Often when your media passion becomes your media job, the most challenging and important part is proving what you can do as to impress potential clients. If you’re a budding photographer, musician or filmmaker, often getting your content seen and moreover recognized can be difficult, especially with online platforms which are often saturated with new content and overshadowed by paid content. An ideal way to distribute media in an effective, cost-conscious and professional manner is to put your sample projects on Printed USB Sticks. Similarly, once you have gained a clientele, USBs also function as a great way of presenting finished projects to your clients, being small in size but big in capacity.
Photographers & Photographs
Printed Memory Sticks are particularly popular amongst photographers as a method of presenting their finished work to their clients. Presenting your photographs on a useful platform to your clients gives a sense of professionalism to the whole project. In particular, our additional USB Accessories, particularly presentation boxes are popular amongst photographers, to give that extra added edge to the way client’s photos are presented. In addition, for a small fee, most presentation boxes can also be printed with your logo to match your USB, or if you wish, a different logo.
Filmmakers & Videos
Loading your film onto a USB can be a great way to get your project seen. However USBs don’t have to just be for the entire film, USBs are a cost-effective enough to be used as a promotional tool, to store your trailer on the USB drive, with sizes starting at 64Mb all the way up to 16Gb your USB doesn’t have to accommodate unnecessary space. In addition, many modern TVs recognize files such as .avi, .mpeg and .mp4, so USBs can be plugged directly into TVs for your viewers to see. (Please note that transfer rates can impact on the frame rate of the output video when being played directly from the drive on HD videos, please check with your USB Makers contact for more details.)
Musicians & Music
A USB is a great way to distribute your music, they can be used to distribute Demos as a free promo or a chargeable medium for distributing full albums. Using USBs as a way to give music to your listeners is useful as it enables convenient transfer to MP3 Players. However big or small your collection of music, sizes start from as low as 64Mb and go all the way up to 16Gb. USBs are also popular amongst DJs who require the transportation of large amounts of music in a space-efficient manner. A particularly popular retro option is also the Cassette USB Flash Drive.
Using for Sample Material
USB Makers offers an additional service of locking pre-loaded data uploaded during the USBs’ creation. This service partitions the drive, enabling your pre-loaded sample photos, trailers or tracks to be irremovable from your Printed Memory Sticks. However, your data doesn’t have to just be one kind of file, uploading promotional posters or documents with information about your project can be effective in broadening your campaign. For an added touch of promotion Website shortcuts can be added, so that viewers can be sent directly to your website to view more information.
Your USBs can be printed with 1-2 colours and pre-loaded with 500Mb of data as standard. However print and pre-loaded data is not limited to the standard, for a small cost the number of colours can be increased or even have a full-colour print or on certain styles, laser engraved. Your data upload can also be increased for a small cost. Capacity sizes begin at 64Mb and increase up to 16Gb, so whether your project is big or small, there is a capacity to suit your project.
Printed Memory Sticks are often an easier, more tangible and professional method of sending finished projects to your clients, as opposed to uploading files to FTP or free cloud services which may come across as unprofessional and be time-consuming. In addition, it means the end user can carry the project you made to show friends, on a USB printed with your logo, serving as a constant reminder of where their project was created.