Large Magnetic USB Flip Photo Box

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Minimum Order Quantity: 5

Photo Print Area: Holds up to 150 6” x 4” Photos

Colour: White

Material: Card

Ribbon Colours: Blue / Pink / Silver

Branding: Spot Colour or Full Colour

Dimensions L x H x W: 170mm x 166mm x 48mm

Print Area L x H : 155mm x 160mm

Weight: 205 Grams

Large Magnetic USB Photo Flip Box

Product Dimensions:

170mm x 166mm x 48mm

Print Area:

Front: 155mm x 160mm
Back: 155mm x 160mm
Click here to download the Large Magnetic USB Photo Flip Box Spec Sheet

The latest offering in our USB packaging range is this stylish magnetic USB Photo gift box manufactured to the very highest standard.

This durable white box made of stiff art-board is the perfect holder of precious moments while remaining elegant and timeless. The magnetic lid keeps the contents safe and secure while adding a contemporary look to the end product. The top of the USB box can also be customised with your logo or text, either in a single spot colour or with full colour printing.

Inside the box is a die-cut hard foam insert which holds your choice of branded USB style, whether a versatile Twister, a classic Wooden Block or a chic Hermes. The box can also hold up to 120 6” x 4” photographs tied with a stylish and practical blue ribbon: the ribbon is secured to the base of the box and offset so that the photographs can be easily lifted out.

Perfect for safekeeping photographs from a special event, wedding or of a newborn, this eye-catching USB presentation box will create a lasting impression on new and existing clients.

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