Metal USB Sticks from USB Makers’ are best known for their unique metal finish, however USB Makers’ metal series are not just restricted to ‘traditional’ USB shapes or designs, rather the metal style USBs offer some of most diverse styles that USB Makers has to offer. By choosing a Metal USB that is a little different than the norm, can give your USB Project a unique and memorable edge, whilst retaining the professional, sleek metal finish that Metal USBs are most famous for, an important factor to consider when promoting your brand on a USB.
Alloy Credit Card USB
Alloy Credit Cards USBs are ideal for those who want something corporate and professional from their Metal USB Keys. The Alloy Credit Cards are sleek and slim, making them both good aesthetically and easily portable. In addition they serve the extra purpose of being able to double-up as your company’s business card, not only can your details be printed on the drive but USB Makers’ 500Mb pre-loaded data service (Included as standard) enabling you to fill your drive with details and images that simply couldn’t fit on the outside of a single card.
Corporate Twister USB
The Corporate Twister is the most elegant of the Twister Series USBs. Like its sibling styles, the Corporate USB has the added advantage of being completely capless thanks to its twistable clip, meaning there’s no lid to lose. The twistable clip also adds the advantage of enabling the style compact when the clip covers the drives’ port. Stylistically the Corporate twister isn’t as wide as the usual Twister style, giving it a more subtle, delicate appearance, whilst still being constructed from a strong metal shell.
If you want to give your USB keys some literal symbolism then the slender, keyring and pocket-friendly Key Style is for you. The design of this USB is slim, slender and highly portable allowing for easy transportation. The USB Keys are particularly popular with media-related companies, companies in the IT Sector, and in-particular, businesses that deal with security.
Dog Tag USB
An alternative method to get your logo seen is to brand something which customers will wear, in this case, a Dog Tag USB would be perfect to get your brand some added exposure. Better yet the Dog Tag style comes with a complementary ball-chain to ensure the recipient can wear it straight away. Ensuring the Dog Style can be worn works well for both the recipient and your brand as a corporate gift, meaning that it’s useful to wear everywhere, not just as a means of transporting data, but as an accessory in its own right.
The Metal USB Keys from USB Makers can be printed with your logo in 1-2 colours. Alternatively, a popular substitution for this service is to have your USB laser engraved, something which can be substituted for a 1-2 colour print at no extra cost, a service which complements metal styles especially well. The styles also allows for 500Mb of pre-uploaded data, giving your customer all the information they need about you and your company, with capacities ranging from 64Mb to 64Gb there is no limit to the information that can be stored on your Metal USB Keys.
Ensuring a product branded with your logo is memorable is important when promoting your company. The more memorable and useful the product is, the more chance there is of the customer re-using the product and being reminded of your product, in the case of the Dog Tag this also means your brand will be exposed to whoever sees the user wearing it too. For a unique but equally professional USB Style, choose Metal USB Keys for your project.