A great way to encourage your school to get working at home is providing your students with Printed USB Flash Drives. Giving greater interactivity between home and school, you can also provide your students with the information they need to study effectively both at home and at school. USB Makers also offers 500Mb of pre-loaded data as standard with most styles, meaning if you have a lot of students to distribute your drives to, we upload your data so you don’t have to. Your USB Drives can also be pre-password protected, ensuring only students who you give the password to can access the drives. USB Makers can also brand your drives with your school’s logo to give a truly personal touch.
What to Upload
There are no restrictions on file types of the data that is pre-uploaded. The data that is placed on the drive can be specific to whatever use they may be for. What is most effective about using USB Memory sticks is the ability to add videos, music and intractable material, things which can engage the user much more than printed materials.
For Regular Use by Students
If you are seeking USBs to be given to students for use at home or school, a practical idea may be to upload revision guides, study tips or even lesson materials for planned lessons in the coming months. Encouraging students to take their USBs home can also encourage productivity and ease of work between one place and the other. It also allows students to effectively store work without the need for lots of paper materials.
As a Prospectus
Many schools and universities choose to upload their school prospectus, ‘trailers’ of their institution, application walkthroughs etc. You could even include two separate folders, one for prospective students and one for prospective parents.
For New Students
Starting a new school or university can be a daunting experience for the best of us. To ease students into their new environment, why not load your USB with useful information such as campus maps, again, study guides, useful contact information etc. to ensure they get the most out of their experience at your institution.
For Teachers
It’s not just students that can benefit from an effective place to store their work and lesson plans, distribute new files through shared networks to ensure your institute’s employees are always up to date with the latest teaching techniques and teaching materials to get the most out of your students.
We are on a Budget, how can you help?
Budget is often a factor with school projects. USB Makers have experience dealing with school and university projects and always aim to be as competitively priced as possible, our cheapest and most popular three styles are the Twister, Titan and Dixie styles.
Can we Receive Credit?
We offer Schools & Universities 30 Days Credit from the date of receiving the goods to better accommodate cash flow conventions utilized by schools and universities. For more information on Credit Accounts, please contact your Sales Representative at USB Makers.