Whether you’re a blogging newbie or have been in the game since the beginning it’s likely you’ll have an essential kit that is your right-hand man or woman when it comes to curating your little corner of the internet.
With blogging essentials aplenty it can sometimes be overwhelming to decide which pieces are worthy of superstar status when it comes to naming your top 5 must-haves. If you’re looking to streamline your kit or are unsure how to start a blog then we’ve put together the gadgets you need in your life to make your blog a success.
Taking Snaps
Visuals are so important when blogging and whilst the focus is usually the content and good images can help to market your post in a visual way and give it a wider reach. Whether you’re taking pictures of outfits, flat lays, or scenery you’ll want a good camera to capture the perfect shot. From the blogger must-have the Olympus Pen camera to the old favourite the Cannon 500d, whatever makes your camera sidekick is it’s likely you won’t be ditching it in a hurry when it comes to blogging. Learning a few camera tips and tricks will help you to become a camera pro in no time.
The Essential Smartphone
Oh, the smartphone. The piece of tech is permanently glued to the palm of our hands because, what if you miss something mega important in the 0.5 seconds you aren’t checking it, right?! From checking social media feeds to uploading blog posts on the go, the smartphone is one essential gadget for all your blogging needs. Newer models such as the iPhone 6s now feature a 12-megapixel camera and is perfect for taking snaps on the go, especially when you don’t want to lug around a heavy camera for the day. iPhones are also overwhelmingly popular with the blogging set too, Bex Renshaw comments, ‘I can do everything from my phone’, not bad praise for this gadget.
Must-Have Laptop
The laptop is essentially the blog office and your smartphone can only do so much when it comes to preparing blog posts, scheduling tweets and replying to emails, which is why the laptop is likely to be your go-to. The MacBook is often the product of choice for bloggers but there a plenty of cheaper options available that work just as well. From creating new posts to editing photos, Jessica Louise from Forever Miss Vanity said she ‘couldn’t survive without a mac.’
The Accessories
Blogging can be a 24/7 hobby or business and sadly there’s only so much charge a device can hold before the red light starts flashing and we all descend into panic mode! Make sure you’re stocked up with accessories to keep your gadget running when you’re on the go.
Smartphone batteries are often notoriously bad so investing in a power bank battery to give your phone a boost when you’re out and about will help to keep you in touch with the blogging world at all times. Ashleigh at Being Ashleigh loves the customised version she created and comments, ‘I have been asked by so many people about it which always makes for an easy conversation about me as a blogger.’
Not technically a gadget, the notebook is your companion for jotting down essential thoughts, blog post ideas, and keeping moments of inspiration safe. When inspiration strikes it’s best to keep a notebook to hand for those ‘I need to write this down right now’ moments. From cute monogrammed notebooks to stocking up on your favourites, the notebook is a must-have for stationery lovers and bloggers alike. Whatever, you must have a blogging kit it’s likely that some of these gadgets will have made your essential list and provided you with some inspiration on what to add if not.